Our VISION is to help you fulfill the VISION you have for your life.

People who have goals for their life, both short and long term, have a purpose that goes way beyond surviving today. Health is among our greatest resources, and something we cannot buy back. Unfortunately, many people in our community are just trying to salvage their health, only reacting when symptoms appear. The old paradigm of reacting to disease and treating symptoms is an outdated model that will never improve our health.

At our clinic, we are told on a daily basis that people want to break the stress, sickness and disease cycle (which science tells us is 90% lifestyle related). Health is priority for one main reason – RELATIONSHIPS. We want to learn, laugh, love, serve and grow with people who are important to us.

If you have questions, if you’re wondering what you can do to encourage your body to heal, recreate and regenerate, give us a call or email us at the link below.

Chiropractors with Compassion

Healing hands around the world are joining together to release children from poverty. Dr. Neil is a proud partner of Chiropractors with Compassion and donates $20 from every new patient examination to fund child-centred projects worldwide. So now your referrals are not only changing the lives of your family and friends, but are also blessing the lives of children around the world.

Community Outreach

We are constantly trying to reach out to our community through various initiatives. You may see us at community events providing free spinal health checkups or complimentary health workshops. So many of our family members and friends are sick and suffering that we will continue to teach and educate as much as we can. Some workshop topics include: nutrition, exercise, stress management, time management, and health orientation.

How to Book a Workshop for your Company or other Group:
Complimentary workshop times are available at various times throughout the week. Program duration can vary depending on the needs of your group, but typically last 30-60 minutes. We can speak to your book club, church group, workplace (great for increased productivity), civic club, team, or school class. Email us your request so we can come speak to your group!

If any of the above topics interest you, please call our Ancaster Chiropractic Office to get started with chiropractic care today!