The Blueprints of Life
Dr. Bruce Lipton is a Ph.D. cell biologist who taught at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine & at Stanford University. He speaks all over the world and has written several books (including The Biology of Belief on the impact that our thoughts have on our blueprints, the expression of our genes. I just listened to a podcast where he talked about the impact our beliefs, awareness and choice have on our health outcomes.
We’ve all been told that our genes determine everything about us. “Genetic determinism”, is the belief that human behaviour is directly controlled by an individual’s genes or some component of their physiology. If you are taught that you’re a victim of your genes, you have little hope that you can make any change to your life.
Your genes are blueprints to make proteins, the building blocks for all your cells. The old idea was that genes could turn on or off. Think of it like this: you walk into an architect’s office and she’s looking at a blueprint. You say “excuse me…is that blueprint on or off?” A gene has no ‘on’ or ‘off’. It does not activate itself. It does not make any decision about itself. The only way a gene is controlled is by information from above (called epigenetics). This information is from your environment and/or from your mind. Once we recognize this, we can let go of the belief that “genes did this to me”.
One Gene – Many Proteins
The thoughts we have and the way we consciously respond to our environment alter the way the blueprint is read. Amazingly, this can lead to several thousand different proteins from the same gene – some healthy, some not. One of the most extreme examples is of a single fruit fly gene that provides the recipe for more than 38,000 different proteins!
The Program Wins
Scientists say that for 95-99% of the day, your conscious mind is in active thought. When you’re in active thought, your life isn’t controlled by your creative wishes and desires, your life is controlled by the programs that you have been given, many of them by 7 years of age. It’s like when you push the button on the jukebox, and the same song plays over and over again. The other important component is that 70% of the thoughts in your subconscious mind are self- sabotaging, limiting and disempowering. You can’t see it because your mind is busy thinking while the subconscious is playing and YOU are the one that doesn’t see it. Yikes! What to do about it? Check back in next week for more…