It is important to know the difference between being happy and having joy.
Sheryl Crow has a lyric that says, “If it makes you happy, it can’t be that bad. If it makes you happy, then why the hell are you so sad?” Crow apparently realized that being happy isn’t always what is best for us.
That is because happiness is an emotion in which we “experience feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense pleasure,” whereas joy “is a stronger, less common feeling than happiness.” We experience joy when we achieve selflessness to the point of personal sacrifice.
Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment. ~ Tony Robbins
Joy is grounded in the idea that something is good for someone else. We have joy when — even in our suffering — we are acting toward someone else’s well being. If you have ever selflessly given of yourself or that which you own, you are certainly familiar with this feeling.
This might cause us to consider what motivates us in life. If all of our efforts are focused on trying to be happy — I think that we may be missing the point. But if our purpose is to have joy in our lives, then we have committed to one another in a way that seeks something better than simple self-satisfaction.
What are you doing in the world that is creating joy? If you can’t answer that question currently, be assured that there is good news. You still have time! I challenge you today to make ONE choice that creates joy for you. Maybe it’s listening to a neighbour who you normally brush off. Maybe it’s sponsoring a child in a third world country. Maybe it’s helping an elderly friend with spring cleaning or yard work. Maybe it’s making a meal for a friend. There are opportunities EVERYWHERE around us, but we must leave margin in our lives, being prepared to offer our self to serve someone else and putting our own needs second.
Family Fun Day On Thursday, June 13th, we’re having our annual Family Fun Day. There will be lots of raffle prizes, live music, BBQ and lots of fun! Mark your calendar and don’t miss it this year. The party goes rain or shine – but let’s hope for SUNSHINE!