The benefits of gratitude can’t be overstated. Gratitude is simply defined as the state of being grateful. It involves expressing thanks or appreciation for something, from a gift to life itself. These are not always positive experiences. All of us could think of events in our lives that occurred, that at the time seemed terrible. When we look back though, sometimes these caused us to change directions, re-assess our values or built on our relationships.
This is something we’ve never had in an Article of the Week before, but it’s a great time of year to take a personal inventory. I’ll be honest, I don’t always follow-through when I see something like this. “It’s for someone else. I’ll do it later. It’s not worth my time.” Would you do me a favour though? It’s actually doing yourself a favour. Spend a few minutes looking back and looking forward. I think there’s a ton of value in seeing where you’ve been. It helps you continue doing the beneficial activities and changing the ones that don’t add value to your life or those around you.
There is only one direction you can coast – downhill. ~ Brian Tracy
Before you answer any of these questions, think about your habits, many of them you do on autopilot. Think about the ones that normally don’t even cross your mind. For example: your bed time, your breakfast routine, your daily snacks, your “down time” activities, your self-talk, your response when things don’t go as planned, how much/how often/why you move your body. Your answers don’t need to be monumental or life-changing. Just like the way your character and reputation are built, your health is also built on small, consistent routines and habits.
What new thing/skill/habit did you learn last year?
What do you plan to learn or get better at in 2022?
What did you enjoy most last year?
Who did you get to know better last year?
How do you plan to invest your time off work/school in 2022?
What values are most important to you? What do you plan to do differently in 2022?