Like Never Before
What a strange time we’re in the midst of. So many things have changed: how we connect with each other physically, how we get groceries, how we work, what we read, how we exercise and lots more. But you know what hasn’t changed? Our resolve, determination, focus, vision and purpose around restoring and maintaining bulletproof health. This has been one of those opportunities to see how strong humans are, as a species. There is research going on right now at McMaster University, to determine why some people get very ill, and others have mild, or no symptoms at all. So now what? Health care professionals across disciplines are trying to understand why exposure to an identical virus can have such massively differently responses in the human body.
We know the answer, that it’s the strength, or weakness of the host (human) that determines the level of symptoms and sickness. The research is trying to better understand exactly what health factors play a role in the response. The developer of chiropractic, D.D. Palmer is quoted as saying:“I desired to know why one person was ailing and his associate, eating at the same table, working in the same shop, at the same bench was not. Why? What difference was there in these two persons that caused one to have various diseases, while his partner escaped?”
Nothing Has Changed
Our purpose continues to be the same. That is to identify subluxations that are affecting your brain’s ability to connect with every muscle, tissue and cell in your body. That is the only way abundant life happens. It cannot happen without full connection. It’s a metaphor for all areas of your life too. Connection, relationship, communication and transparency lead to a fulfilled life with purpose.
So Now What? Where Do We Go From Here?
Well…I’m glad you asked me those questions. 🙂 We will continue to follow guidelines and recommendations we’re given from our governing board (College of Chiropractors of Ontario). You’ll see more details in the clinic about cleaning, sanitizing and some changes in office flow and procedures. We’ve been working hard, and will continue to do so, to make sure our office continues to be clean for you and your family. We’re all learning during the process and we appreciate your patience.