Broken Focus
This is the time of year when many people suffer from broken focus. Typical symptoms of BROKEN FOCUS are: going to bed late, eating more sugar/treats, financial stress from overspending, missing adjustments, loss of health/immune function and stopping regular exercise as other things in life are become a priority.
Laser Focus
Here are symptoms of LASER FOCUS: increased healing, still completing important tasks, lots of laughing, enjoying time with family & friends (even if it’s online), clear thoughts, relational abundance and internal peace. Those who are FOCUSED at this time of year are unaffected by the turbulence present in the lives of those around her/him.
What are you going to choose?
1. Decide ahead of time, what you value and then spend your time, focus, energy and money on those things. Say no to some things. You don’t have to apologize. If you’ve already decided what’s important, then it’s easier to say no.
2. Decide ahead of time that you’ll continue with your healthy commitments. Turn off your screen so you can still get to bed on time. Have a glass of wine, and then 2 glasses of water. Choose a few veggies instead of a piece of pie. Have a cookie, not 5. Cold weather is here, but make sure you keep yourself moving.
3. Decide that you’ll keep on schedule with your chiropractic care. If you want to thrive, and not just survive the holiday season, it’s essential that you keep your nerve system and immune system working optimally. Studies have shown an immediate decrease in sympathetic nerve system (fight or flight) activity after a chiropractic adjustment. You are more likely to get sick when you’re subluxated.
Christmas Gift of Health
Please make sure your friends and family get their Gift of Health card soon! The gift certificates have been sent by text message, email and are available on Facebook too! We have more Gift of Health cards if you need them. The gift certificate covers the initial assessment, nerve scan, x-rays and a week of adjustments for family or friends. We are drawing for several local, small business gift cards on Thursday this week. You’ve been entered if a family member or friend has redeemed their Gift of Health card. If they haven’t, it’s not too late. They need to get scheduled ASAP!
Holiday Hours
We are CLOSED Thursday, December 24th to Friday, January 1st. We are OPEN on Monday, January 4th with regular hours.
If we needed to close the office for any reason, including weather, we’ll update our social media, voicemail, as well as sending you a text message and email. You can always reach us by texting 905-648-6530.